Management 101

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2018

How to double your income in one year.  Do you want to know how to be a good leader?  Here is your 101 on how to start your journey.

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Sales Training for you call center

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2018

This program was designed for companies, that sold a service.  This program was primarily for my tow company.  We found that most service companies train there people how to take an order, but not how to sell.  The STEEP process trains your people how to create a relationship in under 3 minutes.  It works for all types of service companies from Towing, plumbing, roof repair, and really any type of company that is selling a service.


We use short 15 minute animate videos.  Each video builds off the previous video.  We have seen an increase in sales up to 25% in just the first month.

The Steep program teaches your people how to manage themselves, and then how to create an environment that people can trust.

This is a short commercial on why STEEP will work for you.

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Listen to your Calls


It seems a lot of us have a real problem.  That problem is making the sale.  Recently I had the opportunity to speak in front of 60 different company owners and share my story.  My story is one of missed opportunity, missed client relations, and missed sales.  As I told my story, I saw a lot of people agreeing with me.  They too seemed to have listened to their calls.  Out of the more than 100 people in attendance only about half have ever listened to their calls.

I completely understand.  Listening to your calls can be quite painful.  But if you don't listen, how will you know ?

Creating a relationship, can be hard.  Especially if you have not trained your people how to turn a lead into a sale.

The bottom line, is you will not know if your people need training unless you listen to what they say.  You won't know if they are turning business away.  You won't know how they sound,

I won't lie, listening is hard.  It is time consuming and I am sure you can think of a million other thin...

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